S'mores Fun Frame

Click here to download project sheet.



  • 6” x 4” Horizontal Acrylic Frame (#77458810)
  • 2 pcs. of 3/4” x 7” Foamies (Cocoa Brown #30041092)
  • Hearty Air Dry Clay (White #30006454)
  • Ceramcoat Acrylic Paint (Espresso Brown #30084958)
  • Ceramcoat Acrylic Paint (Khaki #30177207)
  • Thin Paintbrush
  • Sharpie Marker – Black 
  • Low Temp Glue Gun or Tacky Glue



  1. Take about 2 1/2” of white hearty clay and roll into two balls. Take each ball and roll into a log about 10” long. Take one log and place along the top and left side of the front of the frame. Take the other log and place along the bottom and up the right side of the frame. Press and make ends blend into each other. Slightly flatten clay around the frame and shape. The clay is the “marshmallow” of the S’mores. Let dry.
  2. Take the two pieces of Cocoa Foamie and rub a little of the Ceramcoat Khaki paint on the surface. This will make the color resemble the graham crackers. Let dry.
  3. When the clay is dry to touch, glue one foamie strip along the top of the frame on the hearty clay and one along the very bottom for the “graham crackers”. Using the Ceramcoat Espresso paint and a thin paint brush, paint in the “chocolate” along the bottom of the frame’s hearty clay and foamie. Let dry.
  4. You can write a fun message along the top foamie like “Let’s have S’more Fun!”